Test Form - 4/C SNAP Newspaper

The popular PIA/GATF Newspaper Test Form has been updated and expanded to make the new PIA/GATF/SNAP Test Form. This new two-page test form was developed with the SNAP Committee and the technical staff of the Newspaper Association of America. It provides greater measuring capabilities and compatibility with today's digital imaging systems.

The first page measures the characteristics of the newspaper printing system. It can be used to calibrate the output of the prepress system to achieve optimal color reproduction of the press. It can also be used to establish meaningful process control aim points for the pressroom. The second page contains a color chart to help the user get predictable colors from the newspaper printing sytsem.

Elements include: PIA/GATF Four-Color Single-Tier Color Control Bar, Information Block, PIA/GATF Type Resolution Target, GATF Transfer Grids, PIA/GATF Four-Tier Color Bar, Female Portrait, Fleshtones Photograph, Memory Colors Photograph, High-Key Photograph, PIA/GATF Maximum Coverage Target, PIA/GATF Tone Scales, PIA/GATF Hexagon Target, IT8.7/3 Basic Data Set, PIA/GATF Gray Balance Chart, A Segment of the PIA/GATF/Systems of Merritt Plate Control Target, PIA/GATF Unidirectional Register Track.

Image size is 20.5x11.5 in.

Digital Test Form: Included is one CD-ROM (Mac and PC compatible) with test form in EPS file format and detailed User's Guide. User's Guide is also included as a PDF file on the CD.