Test Form - 8.5x11 4/C

The PIA/GATF Digital Test Form is a five-page form designed to provide a uniform means of testing the many digital systems available today, including digital proofers and presses. Image size of each page is 8.5x11 in. plus bleed. The first page of the Digital Test Form 5.0 contains most of the elements needed to measure and compare imaging systems.

Elements on the first page include: title block, information block, continuous register track, tone scales, type resolution target, image fit target, maximum density patches, PIA/GATF star targets, color control bar, basic IT8.7/3 data set, GATF/GCA Digital Proof Comparator. Subsequent pages include: gray balance, pictorials, vignettes.

The Digital Test Form 5.0 is designed to measure dot gain curves, ink trapping characteristics, gray balance and maximum ink coverage requirements, and minimum and maximum printable dots. The digital test form also contains elements sensitive to resolution, directional effects, moire, and raster imaging patterns.

Included is one CD-ROM (Mac and PC compatible) with test form in EPS file format and detailed User's Guide. The User's Guide is also included as a PDF file on the CD.